Saturday, October 12, 2013

Next-to-last Day in Robidišče - posted by Hoeh

Today actually started out with a thunderstorm at dawn, with loud cracks and lots of lightening, and a total downpour.  But by 10 or so it cleared up and became a beautiful sunny day.
This was a couple days ago when Elisabeth and Cecelia got cool suits to wear while picking soybeans.
Also a couple days ago some cool Slovenians young-ish types stopped by and hung out awhile.  They were buying yogurt, recovering from schnapps hangovers, and getting ready to be in a play this weekend.

Also the other day, Igor demonstrated making polenta the traditional way.
Don't even ask what kind of fatty ingredients might be involved in this dish.  It was, let's say, rich.

This was this morning after it cleared up.
Igor (ahead) and Luigi.  Luigi is an enigmatic character whom we can never understand, but we've eaten at his house twice, and he makes a mean pasta sauce.  He seems to be Italian, but it isn't clear. His refrain is, "No interessa me," whenever we ask him about his life or interests. Today we chopped and stacked his wood, because he has health problems. His solution is to drink 3 liters of beer daily. We know he likes us and anything I cook, and he likes when the girls sing.o

The inside of "the locale." 
elisabeth serenading Gogi the goatherd.  Gogi made the surprise announcement yesterday that he is going back to the real world, getting a job in a warehouse in Lubljana.  Cecelia must train as a goatherd in one day!

Note snow on the peaks that must have fallen during the rain storm here.
Laka noch.

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