Monday, October 14, 2013

Goodbye to Robidišče! On to Ljubjana!

After a day of pouring rain, we woke to beautiful sun.
But that's getting ahead of the story. On our last evening a group of 4 young German guys from Munich who were here on a fishing trip showed up at the locale.
Luigi was on hand to help them drink beer.

They stuck around in the backgroud while Pavla and Beti and Igor tstaged a lovely farewell dinner for us.

after dinner we all danced to polkas and waltzes for about an hour.  Then Elisabeth started playing the ukelele and the German guys were enchanted.
They invited us all over to the house they rented and threw a party, with all the beer and schnapps you could ask for.  Luigi kept requesting "Louisa," which is what he calls "The Friends Song" Louisa wrote.  The other guys made requests and Elisabeth and Cece kept singing all evening.
But then they came up with a competion, Germans vs. Americans, as to who could draw the other's continent better.
The Results:
sort of a tie, wouldn't you say?
Saying goodbye was proably hardest for Elisabeth and Cece, but they will meet again, no doubt!
So then we took the train to Ljubljana.  Looking out the window -

We ate some of Pavla's incredible potica on the train.
Ljubljana is awesome and Elisabeth is going to move here.  But tomorrow, on to Germany.

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