Friday, November 29, 2013

A Happy Thanksgiving

Goodbye to the Umbrian countryside!

But when you wake up to snow in the cow pasture, you know it's time to go.

 fond farewell from our host Adje

and her doggies

reviewing our memories of the past two months - on the train to Naples we listed our best experiences, our most grateful moments, the people who meant the most to us....

When who should appear but these Indian guys we had shared a compartment with on the train from Slovenia to Germany, 43 days ago.  Is that weird.  They were on their way to the SAME HOSTEL as us. Cue Disney - "It's a small world..."!

At the Hostel of the Sun in Naples we had our little Thanksgiving.  What we were thankful for, specifically on this table, were the black trumpets we found in Umbria, the goat parmesan made by our Slovenian host, the crushed red peppers from our Tuscan host, the $2.50 decent wine, and most of all the olive oil from olives we picked in Umbria.  Thanks everyone!!

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