Saturday, September 28, 2013


   We have an excellent cousin, Owen, and his great girlfriend Mila who met us at the airport and led us around all day, then to an amazing bar where they have a different sort of happy hour called Apperitivo.  this consists of slightly over-priced drinks that give you unlimited access to an unbelievably sumptuous buffet, including all your fantasy italian comfort foods!  needless to say, We went to bed full.
    Elisabeth's iPhone crashed in the airport so until we find a decent internet connection (this is a grocery store that gives you a half hour) we are not sure if it can be fixed, but at best she'll need to re-enter all her contacts.  so
    Tomorrow morning we set off for Slovenia and we'll post again there.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The beginning

Well everyone has been asking if we're going to have a blog, so here it is! We're in the car on our way to the airport, all packed and hopefully ready. Arriving in Milan tomorrow morning and then off to Slovenia for two weeks to work on Tourist Eco-farm Robidisce, the westernmost village in the country. where they make feta, aged cheese and yoghurt and run an agrotourism business.  From their website it appears they grow corn and other crops (all organic) that are used to make traditional dishes from the region, including dumplings, polenta, lamb dishes, soups, - uhh, we're getting hungry!  You can see their website and click on the english button